Mrs. Sarah Scroggins

I am a second year teacher and this is my second year at Wynnewood High School. I have been married for four years and we have two dogs. My husband is also a teacher and a baseball coach. We are always on the go. I have loved my time at Wynnewood and I am ready for a great year!

Phone: 405-665-2045


Degrees & Certifications: Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Plan Period: My planning period is 7th hour.

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 2:17-3:05

Wednesday: 2:25-3:05

Daily Schedule

1st Period


2nd Period

Physical Science

3rd Period

Physical Science

4th Period


5th Period

Physical Science

6th Period


7th Period

Planning Period


We are using SAVVAS Realize in Chemistry and Physical Science.