Ms. Cole


My name is Marcie Cole. I was born here, and have spent most of my life in Wynnewood. I am married with two grown children and three grandchildren. We live on a small acreage south of Wynnewood.I have taught school since 1982, when I was 2 2 years old. I taught in the Lexington school district prior to coming to work in Wynnewood. I have been in this district for the last nine years. In my spare time I enjoy reading, watching movies, and listening to music.

Phone: 405-665-1170


Degrees & Certifications: BS in Elementary Education, master's degree in Elementary Counseling

Plan Period: M, T, Th, F from 9:10 to 10:00, W 10:00 to 10:40

Daily Schedule

Third Grade Schedule: M, T, Th, F

8:oo-8:15  Lexia and grammar sheet.

8:15–as a class grade grammar



10:00–11:50–Reading and AR

12:00-12:50–lunch and recess


2:15–Chapter book, end of the day jobs and wrap up

 Third grade  Schedule Wednesdays

9:00--9:15  grammar and lexia

9:15–grade grammar

9:30–science/social studies


10:40–11:50–Reading and AR

Afternoons stay the same

Classroom Links

None at this time.


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