Mrs. Tammy Grove


Hi! My name is Tammy Grove. I have been teaching for 33 years and believe my Fabulous Firsties are the best! When not at school, I can be found with my husband Chuck, three children, one son-in-law and two grandchildren. We enjoy playing golf, cooking out and visiting our favorite spots of Seaside and Red River.



Degrees & Certifications: B.S. in Education, M.Ed. in Educational Administration

Plan Period: 1:20PM-2:10PM (M. T. TH. FR.) 1:35PM-2:15PM (W.)

Daily Schedule

Mrs. Grove

Fabulous Firsties

7:30AM-8:15AM: Dailies/ELA & Math spiral review/announcements

8:15AM-9:30AM: Math Focus (Math morning meeting/whole group & small group instruction/exit ticket review)

9:30AM-10:50AM: ELA Focus (ELA morning meeting/whole group & small group instruction)

10:50AM-11:15AM: Lunch

11:15AM-11:45AM: Recess

11:45AM-1:20PM: ELA/Math Focus (Small group centers/individual instruction)

1:20PM-2:10PM: Specials

2:10PM-2:45PM: Science/Social Studies

2:50: Dismiss

Specials: P.E. (Monday)

A.P.T. (Tuesday)

Computers/Agility (Wednesday)

Library (Thursday)

Art & Music (Friday)

Classroom Links


HMH Into Reading, HMH Math Oklahoma Edition, Studies Weekly, Daily Science


Start each day with a positive thought!

Do the right thing...even when no one is looking.

A warm smile is the universal language of kindness.

If you think someone could use a friend, be one.