Please click the following link to see important information and changes to our COVID-19 protocols revolving around contact tracing and the quarantining of students and staff.
over 4 years ago, Wynnewood Public Schools
Good Afternoon, Folks, As of the end of the school day today, we have no new cases to report. I hope everyone has a great evening!
over 4 years ago, Tim Simpson
As far as confirmed positive cases are concerned, last week was a much better week. We only had one reported case--one 7th grade boy. We do, however, have some information coming to you soon regarding changes to our quarantining policy in order to comply with state statute and state and local health department guidelines.
over 4 years ago, Tim Simpson
I had a very nice parent call me today and ask me if we have had any new cases of COVID-19 show up this week because she hadn't seen an update since last week. We haven't (knock wood), but I think I will update everyone at the end of each day either way, at least for a while anyway. Have a great night, folks.
over 4 years ago, Tim Simpson
Attention Alumni - You are invited to a dinner the week of Homecoming!
over 4 years ago, Wynnewood High School
Alumni Dinner
Free meals for students through December 31, 2020
over 4 years ago, Kesha Williams
Free Meals
Good Morning, I want to update you on a few more positive cases that have been reported to us today: One 11th grade female who is also a softball player (she's actually been in quarantine since last Sunday). One 12th grade male who is also a football player. One 7th grade male who is also a football player. One elementary school teacher's aide who has not worked with any children this year and has worn a mask since day one of school starting. I know these updates can cause anxiety for people. In my opinion, we will see cases every week for the indefinite future. I don't believe it's any different, though, in school districts throughout the country that are offering a traditional learning option. Hang in there. We'll get through this together.
over 4 years ago, Tim Simpson
Unfortunately, today we have received notification of several positive COVID-19 test results: One 12th grade male football player Two 10th grade male football players One 9th grade male football player One 9th grade female. The Garvin County Health Department has been notified. All seven active cases are at the high school.
over 4 years ago, Tim Simpson
Due to multiple confirmed cases of COVID-19 on our high school football team, our home game against Lone Grove has been cancelled. We'll pass along information regarding the rescheduling of Fall Sports Senior Night as soon as possible.
over 4 years ago, Tim Simpson
!! UPDATE!! We have received notification that a male sophomore student has tested positive for COVID-19. As per our guidelines and procedures, we will contact the parents/guardians of students who we can verify have been within 6ft for 15 minutes of this young man, and we will report the case to the Garvin County Health Department and the State Department of Education.. The county health department is the governing body responsible for contact tracing and recommending individual quarantine determinations. Our District policy is to quarantine the individual who has tested positive along with any siblings attending our schools. Quarantining anyone else is a parental decision.
over 4 years ago, Tim Simpson
over 4 years ago, Wynnewood Public Schools
The Junior High football scrimmage scheduled today against Stratford has been cancelled.
over 4 years ago, Tim Simpson
Due to the power failure and after speaking to city hall regarding the estimated timeframe for service restoration, we have decided to allow parents or guardians to pick up their children if they are able to do so. It’s not a problem if you can’t we’ll care for and feed whoever is with us. Our regular bus routes will run like normal at the end of the day. Unfortunately, we do not have phone service either. Absences will not count against students.
over 4 years ago, Tim Simpson
August 28, 2020 Dear Parents, Staff, Students, and Community Members: Today, we received notification that a Wynnewood student (a senior) has tested positive for COVID-19. While we must protect the privacy of the person involved, we believe it is best to communicate transparently with you so you can make well-informed decisions for your family. We have been in contact with the county health officials to help guide us through this situation. At this time, we are only mandating the quarantining of the student who has tested positive and his/her siblings (one ninth grade student). Mrs. Dixon, our high school principal, and applicable coaches and club sponsors are contacting parents directly of the students whom we can verify that have been in contact with the affected student in accordance with the “6ft for 15 minutes” rule. That said, we are choosing to allow our parents to decide whether or not they wish to quarantine their children. This occurrence is inevitable, and we have known that from the onset. I encourage everyone to remain calm but vigilant. It is important to remember that children are greatly influenced by the reactions of adults when facing difficult circumstances. All we ask is that you watch your children for symptoms and keep them home if they are sick. Symptoms typically appear 2-4 days after exposure. As a district we will continue to follow the plan we have in place. We are grateful for the opportunity to serve you and your family, especially as we face this challenging situation together. Thank you for your support of our Wynnewood School District. Sincerely, Tim Simpson, Superintendent
over 4 years ago, Tim Simpson
I have to brag on our kids, parents and staff. We have more policies and procedures in place than ever before, and today was one of the smoothest first days of school that I have ever experienced. Parents were patient, kind, and helpful. Kids were cooperative, happy, and excited; and our staff was AMAZING in their efforts to provide a safe and caring environment for our students. Words can't adequately express the love and pride I feel for our entire Wynnewood School family. I hope our parents and community members feel like they are a part of that family because we couldn't do what we do without their help and support. I also want to say thank you to our Wynnewood Police Department for ensuring that we had a smooth start and end to our day. #YouCan'tHideThatShine! #WynnewoodStrong
over 4 years ago, Tim Simpson
Good morning and Happy First Day, Kids!! WE CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU!!
over 4 years ago, Tim Simpson
Woohoo! Only two more sleeps and these are going to come in real handy! Can't wait to see you guys bright and early on Thursday!! :)
over 4 years ago, Wynnewood High School
Bell Schedules
Bell Schedules
!! PART-TIME JOB OPPORTUNITY !! Wynnewood Public Schools is looking for a self-directed, conscientious individual to clean and disinfect classrooms in the high school after classes are dismissed for the day. Start time is flexible. Beginning pay is $9.00 an hour. If interested, please call the superintendent's office at 405-665-2004.
over 4 years ago, Tim Simpson
over 4 years ago, Wynnewood High School
Friday, Sept 4
Reminder- Blended/Virtual parents and guardians only. Please be sure that you and your student stop by the Superintendent's office by the end of this week to fill out the Blended/Virtual intake form. The office is open from 8:00am-4:00pm. 702 E Kerr Blvd (405)665-2004
over 4 years ago, WPS