almost 4 years ago, Wynnewood Middle School
Educational plans and options have been posted to the website.
almost 4 years ago, Tim Simpson
Most of us have witnessed the bitter ugliness circulating through various mediums of social media revolving around “the best” plan or options for coming back to school this fall. The truth, however, is that there is no “best” plan or option for opening school. Everyone has his or her own unique set of circumstances and beliefs that shape his or her opinions about what school and education should look like this August. It’s my belief that each school district needs to implement a plan that makes sense within the context of the community it serves. In all likelihood, no plan will meet the needs of every student and family, but it won’t be from a lack of thought, planning, effort, and consideration of our staff, students, and community. Wynnewood Public Schools is prepared to offer three enrollment options that we hope meets close to all of our student and family needs. We realize that there may be situations and circumstances that require individual attention. With that said, we believe that direct instruction is the best instruction, especially for children in Pre-K through second grade. Interpersonal interactions and hands-on activities are central to early childhood learning and are difficult to recreate virtually. We also acknowledge that some parents and students might not be ready to move back to traditional learning and be back in the classroom. As you read through and consider our plans and options for the upcoming school year, I would respectfully ask that rather than becoming worried or angry about something you disagree with or becoming upset about a situation that we may have inadvertently failed to address, please give me or your child’s principal a call and let’s try to work through the issue together. More often than not, we’ll find a solution to the problem that works for everyone involved. Now more than ever, the partnership between school and home will be integral to a successful year. Our educational options along with other very important district and building information will be available by noon today on our website. You can access those documents by clicking the “2020-2021 Back to School Plans and Information” tab located on the front page. Even amidst the chaos and uncertainty, we are excited to begin the new school year and re-connect with our students and families. Sincerely, Tim Simpson
almost 4 years ago, Tim Simpson
WHS Band Awards & Senior Recognition Reception!
almost 4 years ago, Wynnewood High School
Band Reception Announcement
NHS/MAT/Senior Cords Ceremony!
almost 4 years ago, Wynnewood High School
National Honor Society
We are almost a month away from the start of school, and we know that students and their families are waiting anxiously to see what that's going to look like. The plans we were working on last week look differently than the plans we are working on this week, and quite honestly, that's been our story since late spring. We think we have it figured out, and inevitably something happens or we learn new information that causes us to rethink our plans and direction. I work with an AMAZING group of administrators, teachers, and support staff, and because of their ideas and insights, I went home last night and told my wife that I haven't felt this good in months about how school will look for us this fall. We feel that we have the big pieces of the puzzle in place; we just need another week to work through some details. It's our intention to begin rolling out our plans to everyone by the end of next week. We appreciate your patience and look forward to sharing information with you soon. Tim Simpson Superintendent
almost 4 years ago, Tim Simpson
All attendees, students and adults, will need to enter through the south cafeteria doors. Temperatures will be taken, if you have a fever of 100.4 or higher, you will not be allowed to enter. If you have been in contact with anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19, please do not attend. Thank you!
almost 4 years ago, Wynnewood High School
FFA Banquet
Yesterday afternoon, one of our football stadium light poles broke at the base and fell into the parking lot. Thankfully no one was in the vicinity and no one was injured. Until all of the light poles are replaced, the stadium, track, field house, and weight room are off limits to everyone, including staff unless specific permission has granted by the superintendent to be on site. Information revolving around graduation and summer pride will be forthcoming.
almost 4 years ago, Tim Simpson
almost 4 years ago, Wynnewood Public Schools
almost 4 years ago, Stephanie Moore
Attention 5-12 grade boys basketball players!! 🏀🏀🏀
almost 4 years ago, Wynnewood High School
Basketball camp
Wynnewood Middle School is looking for a dynamic individual to be a classroom/library aide for the 2020-2021 school year. Duties will include, but are not limited to, covering classes, assisting in the classroom, checking books in and out, and reshelving books. Anyone interested should contact the Middle School at (405) 665-4105 or email Byron Mooney or Stephanie Moore
almost 4 years ago, WPS
Attention Parents! Please make note of the following!
about 4 years ago, Wynnewood High School
Belonging Pickup
There's only a week left to purchase your 2019-2020 Yearbook!
about 4 years ago, Wynnewood High School
about 4 years ago, Stephanie Moore
WMS Packet Pick-up Today!
about 4 years ago, Stephanie Moore
❤️8th GRADERS ❤️
about 4 years ago, Stephanie Moore
2020-2021 Enrollment Info
about 4 years ago, WPS
Enrollment info
about 4 years ago, Stephanie Moore
Return your library books!
about 4 years ago, Wynnewood High School
Library Books