Due to possibilities of inclement weather, the MS/JH basketball games scheduled for Jan. 15 @Lexington will be canceled. It will not be made up as of now.

Don 't mind getting your hands dirty?? This job just might be for you! 🧹🚽🪣🧽

Wynnewood Public Schools is looking to hire a bus driver/handy person. A current class "B" CDL with Passenger and Bus endorsement would be perfect. If not, we will work with you to obtain the proper certification. Please email Byron Mooney bmooney@wynnewood.k12.ok.us or call (405) 665-2004 to apply.

January Breakfast/Lunch Menu.

Wynnewood Public Schools is looking to hire a fun and energetic person for the snack bar position at the Wynnewood Middle School. The hours are from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.. Person applying must have good math skills, be able to lift up to 50 lbs, be able to get along with, and work well with others. Job will start on January 4, 2024. Interested applicants can fill out an application online on the school website or come by the administration office and pick up an application.

Important Announcement:
There will be NO After-School Program next week at Wynnewood Middle School (12/18 - 12/20)
Last Day of 1st Semester is Wednesday, 12/20.

Wynnewood Youth League is now taking registration for the 2023 Basketball Season. They are taking boys and girls grade K-7th grade. Forms are available on Facebook and at elementary/middle school offices. Forms need to be returned with money by Oct 27th. Thanks for your continued support of the Wynnewood Youth League.


The Middle School will be attending the Pep Assembly at the high school at 1:30 PM and then walk down in front of the high school to watch the parade.

Today (10/4/23)
There will be no After-School Program today at the Middle School.
There will be no Junior High Cheer practice after school.
The Junior High Academic Team Meet today at Sulphur has been canceled.

Parent Teacher conferences are Thursday, Sept 14th 3:30pm-9:00pm. We hope to see you there.

Friday is the last day to purchase yearbooks for $45. Order online at https://www.wynnewood.k12.ok.us, through the school office, or contact Mrs. Luck at mluck@wynnewood.k12.ok.us

Reminder: Only one week left to order your yearbook for only $45 and receive free personalization and icons.
jostens.com/2024yearbook | 1-877-767-5217

At Wynnewood Public Schools, we are dedicated to providing a safe and enjoyable
environment for all attendees at athletics events. In light of recent incidents at schools across Oklahoma, we are implementing new security procedures for home football games.
Effective immediately, the following security procedures will be enforced at all home
football games:
1. Additional Staff: Games will have an increased presence of Wynnewood staff.
2. Additional Law Enforcement: Games will have additional law enforcement in
uniform so that they are easily identifiable in a crowd.
3. Gates: Personnel will be stationed at each entrance at the event.
4. No Backpacks for kids: Students will not be allowed to enter the game with a
5. See Something, Say Something Campaign: Spectators are encouraged to speak
out if they see or hear anything suspicious. Staff and security will be available nearby.
Please know that these changes are not made lightly. The safety of our students, staff, and community remains our priority. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding as we work to make football games and athletics events as safe and secure as possible.
Thank you,
Byron Mooney
Wynnewood Public Schools

Wynnewood Middle School Dance
Friday, August 25, 7-9 PM (After Meet the Savages)
Grades 5th - 8th
Middle School Cafeteria
$5 at the Door
Pizza, water, and soda will be for sale
Pizza - $2 per Slice
Water and Soda - $1 Each

Best deal of the year on yearbooks.
Order today for $45 and receive free personalization and icons.
It’s a $33 value. Offer ends September 15th.

JOM Parent Committee Meeting
August 22, 2023 6:00 pm at Elementary Library
I. Call meeting to order
II. Declaration of Quorum
III. Discussion of current JOM status
IV. Discussion and review of By-Laws
V. Discussion of budget
VI. Discussion of next actionable steps
VII. New business/Discussion of events
VIII. Adjourn meeting

Snack bar will not be available until Monday. Sorry for the inconvenience.

School starts tomorrow August 16th at 8:00am. Breakfast at 7:30am. Late start Wednesday's will start August 23rd. (9:00am) Breakfast at 8:30am

Yearbooks are in!
2023 Seniors can pick theirs up in the high school office. All others will be delivered Friday, August 18th. There are a few extra books that can be purchased for $55 while supplies last. Contact Monica Luck at mluck@wynnewood.k12.ok.us