Wynnewood Savage JH Football Update:
Due to available players for Stratford, we will only play one Junior High football game this week, kick off at 6:00 pm at Savage Stadium. The 6th, 7th, and 8th graders will play together this week. All eligible 8th grade football players will practice with the 6th/7th graders 1st period on Monday and we ask them to report to the Middle School at 7:30 am if possible.
Monday Schedule for JH Football (6th, 7th, & 8th Grade)
7:30 - Practice
3:05 - Released to go home
4:45 - Report to get ready for football game
5:15 - Leave for stadium and warm-up
6:00 - Kickoff against Stratford
Thank you for your understanding.

Dear Wynnewood Schools’ Families and Community Members,
It is with profound sadness and heavy, broken hearts that the Wynnewood Public School District and its Board of Education extend its deep and sincere condolences to the family, friends, teachers, and anyone else with a connection to Hunter Armstrong.
It has been a difficult day for our high school staff and students, but they leaned on each other with love and support as they tried to process this tragedy through a myriad of emotions. We would like to thank Rance and Michelle Rue of Jetty Counseling Services, Pastors Jarrod Kendall, Sheldon Williams, and John Russell, School Counselors Donna Maples and Brandi Ingram, and our Student Resource Officer Josh Moore for being by our side at 8:00am this morning to provide comfort and care to our students and staff.
In the days and weeks ahead, students may have questions and concerns relating to Hunter’s death and will require support at home as well as our continued support at school as they work through their feelings and grief. Although we cannot predict how our students will react as they process their emotions, we can be sensitive and aware of their struggles as they come to terms with their feelings of loss. If you feel your child is having difficulty and may benefit from additional support, please contact either the high school office, the high school guidance counselor’s office or the superintendent’s office so that we can address your needs and the needs of your child. We are also supported by Jetty Counseling Services and can provide you with referrals as needed.
As our school community and our community at large continue to cope with the loss of Hunter, we kindly invite all of you to participate in the healing process if the opportunity arises, and remember that we are here for you always, now and forever.
Tim Simpson

Parents and guardians there is a new place to fill out the free and reduced lunch application online located in the student records portal.
Go to: www.wynnewood.k12.ok.us
Click on: Gradebook (top right corner of page)
Log into : Wen-gage
Click on: Student Records Portal
Click on : Lunch Room Application
Fill in and Upload Application
Click on: Green Checkmark in Top Left Corner

Wynnewood Savage Junior High Football Schedule:
Parents and players, please read below in regards to football game day schedules for the next two weeks.
Monday, Sept. 26 - Dibble
- 3:05 - Released to go home
- 4:15 - Report to MS to get dressed for game
- 4:45 - Leave for Stadium
- 5:00 - Pre-Game Warm Up
- 5:30 - Kickoff
Monday, Oct. 3 - @ Elmore City
- 3:15 - Report to MS Cafeteria for pre-game food
- 3:45 - Get dressed for game
- 4:15 - Leave For Elmore City
- 5:00 - Pre-Game Warm Up
- 5:30 - Kickoff
8/9 Grade:
Monday, Sept. 26 - Dibble
- 3:05 - Released to go home
- 6:00 - Report to stadium to get dressed for game
- 6:45 - Pre-Game Warm Up
- 7:00 - Kickoff
Monday, Oct. 3 @ Elmore City
- 3:05 - Released to go home
- 4:30 - Report to stadium for pre-game food and get dressed
- 5:15 - Leave for Elmore City
- 6:45 - Pre-Game Warm Up
- 7:00 - Kickoff

**It’s PLAYOFF time in Wynnewood. Your Lady Savage Fastpitch team has qualified for the playoffs and is set to host Hooker Thursday, Sept 22, first pitch at 10:00 am. Come out and support your Lady Savages, Together we are, SAVAGE STRONG!!!

**Wynnewood Football Reminder**
For Football Monday, 9/19/22
1:00 - HS (9-12 Grades) Reports to Football Stadium for practice.
3:00 - 6th/7th Grade reports to Middle School for walk-through. Leave for stadium at 4:30
3:00 - 8th/9th Grade reports to Football Stadium for walk-through.
5:30 - 6th/7th Grade Football Game vs. Wayne
7:00 - 8th/9th Grade Football Game vs Wayne
We know that there’s No School tomorrow, so your efforts in ensuring we have a successful Football Monday is appreciated.

Wynnewood Public Schools is looking to hire 2 full time cook positions at the middle school. The job details are a follows:
Hours. are 6a.m.-1p.m. M-F. Applicant must be willing to cook, clean, put up groceries, daily paperwork, be capable of lifting 50lb., and most of all, enjoy working with children.
Interested applicants can contact Christina Deslaurier at cdeslaurier@wynnewood.k12.ok.us or 405-665-1111.

Wynnewood Public Schools is looking to hire 2 full time cook positions at the middle school. The job details are a follows:
Hours. are 6a.m.-1p.m. M-F.
Applicant must be willing to cook, clean, put up groceries, daily paperwork, be capable of lifting 50lb., and most of all enjoy working with children.
Interested applicants can contact Christina Deslaurier at cdeslaurier@wynnewood.k12.ok.us or 405-665-1111

Title VI Public Meeting
Date: September 14, 2022
Time: 3:30pm
Location: Superintendent's Office Conference Room

Monday, Sept. 12
- 3:05 - Released after school to go home
- 4:15 - Report to MS to get dressed for game
- 4:45 - Leave for Stadium
- 5:00 - Pre-Game Warm Up
- 5:30 - Kickoff
Monday, Sept. 19, No School
- 3:00 - Report to MS for practice
- 4:45 - Leave for Stadium
- 5:00 - Pre-Game Warm Up
- 5:30 - Kickoff
8/9 Grade:
Monday, Sept. 12
- 3:05 - Released after school to go home
- 6:00 - Report to stadium to get dressed for game
- 6:45 - Pre-Game Warm Up
- 7:00 - Kickoff
Monday, Sept. 19, No School
- 3:00 - Report to Stadium for practice
- 4:45 - Released to go home.
- 6:00 - Report to stadium to get dressed for game
- 6:45 - Pre-Game Warm Up
- 7:00 - Kickoff
High School:
Friday, Sept. 16, No School
- 1:00 - Report to Stadium, Walk Though/Team Meeting
- 2:30 - Pep Rally
- 3:30 - Pre-Game Meal at Baptist Church
- 4:30 - Report to Stadium to get dressed for the game
- 6:00 - Leave for Davis
- 6:45 - Pre-Game Warm-up
- 7:30 - Kickoff
Monday, Sept. 19, No School
- 1:00 - Report to Stadium for practice

We are currently testing our emergency systems at the Elementary School. Several announcements have been broadcasted for an emergency alert. We are all clear.

If a parent/guardian completes a free or reduced-price meal application in July or August 2022 and that meal application is approved for free or reduced-price meals, they will be eligible for Summer 2022 P-EBT benefits retroactively when pick-up files are sent to DHS in October. This will only apply to Summer 2022 benefits.
Check school website for information on how to apply.

We want to send a big THANK YOU to Pastor Jarrod Kendall, his staff, and all the volunteers who provided an incredible lunch for our entire staff yesterday! Everyone in attendance also received note pads and pens as well as the opportunity to win several gift cards through a raffle. First Baptist Church has always been a steadfast and gracious supporter of our school district's staff and students, and we are eternally grateful for all that you do for us and our community.

Good Morning, WPS Families!
Unfortunately, the USDA will not be subsidizing the cost of breakfast and lunch anymore. If you qualify and have not filled out the Free and Reduced Lunch Application, please do so as soon as possible. Online applications can be found on the Parent Portal or you can pick up an application at any school office, and once completed it can be returned to any school office. The cost for a student lunch is $2.55 and .40 cents for reduced students. Remember that breakfast is FREE for ALL students. If you have any questions, please contact one of our building principals or secretaries. I hope everyone has a wonderful day!

There will be an important meeting for all athletes and parents (6th-12th grade) on Monday, August 1st 7:30pm in the HS auditorium. Please plan to attend.
Football parent meeting will follow.

Community engagement and input is an important resource regarding the implementation of the District's ARP/ESSER III plan and budget. We are holding a community engagement meeting in the high school library at 6:30pm or immediately following the regular school board meeting on Thursday, April 14, 2022 to discuss and receive input regarding the District’s ARP/ESSER III plan and budget for the 2022-2023 school year.

Due to the high probability of hazardous road conditions tomorrow morning, Wynnewood Public Schools will be closed and will remain in distance/virtual learning Friday, February 24th.

Due to the incoming inclement weather, Wynnewood Public Schools will transition to virtual/distance learning Wednesday, February 23 and Thursday, February 24. Students will come home today with information regarding their assignments and how to contact their teachers if they need help. Stay safe, folks.

Good afternoon, folks,
After watching the local weather maps and models predict the effect of the upcoming weather systems and receiving information from the National Weather Center in Norman, Wynnewood Public Schools will be closed Wednesday through Friday. All school related activities and practices are canceled through Friday. These will be virtual/distance learning days, which means our students have been sent home with assignments from each of their teachers. Students will have instructions and information on how to reach their teachers if they need any help with any of their work over the next three days. If you need to reach a principal or someone at the central office, please call and leave a message, and it will be forwarded to that individual’s cell phone. Your phone call will be returned as soon as possible. With the windchill, it is going to get bitterly cold over the next few days. If you need warm clothing for anyone in your household, please call a principal or me, and we will do our best to provide what you need. Check on your neighbors, especially if they are elderly. Be safe, folks.
Kind regards,
Tim Simpson
Superintendent, Wynnewood Public Schools

Please vote yes for this important NON-TAX RAISING bond issue on Tuesday, February 8th. Your support of our students and our school district is ALWAYS appreciated!